

Air Guitar World Championships

23.–25.8.2023 Oulu, Finland

Dark Horses sign-up opens again next week

The second round of sign-ups for the Dark Horses Qualifications opens next week, on Monday 1st of July. The form will be open for sign-ups until the Monday 15th of July 23:59 PM (UTC +3) – ergo for two weeks. There will be 11 additional Dark Horse spots available, and the rules are the same as with the Early Bird round. This means that if more than 11 air guitarists sign up, the spots will be raffled.

The second round completes the list of 22 contestants chosen based on the sign-ups. The National Organizations have a chance to send in one official Dark Horse each, which could add up to 30 Dark Horses competing at the Qualifying round on Thursday 22nd of August!

The chosen Dark Horses will get the confirmation along with a payment link on Thursday 18.7. The spot to compete will be finalized upon completing the payment. The link for the sign-up form will be posted on our website and social medias (Facebook and Instagram) on Monday.