

Air Guitar World Championships

23.–25.8.2023 Oulu, Finland

Volunteer during the Air Guitar week

The Air Guitar production team will need some enthusiastic volunteers during the air guitar week 20.-23.8.2024, to help things run smoothly. You don’t necessarily need any prior experience on working at events, to be chosen. As a volunteer your tasks during the week may consist of helping with various tasks before, during and after the events. These events are Airientation on Wednesday, Dark Horses Qualifications on Thursday, and the World Final on Friday. You may also for example do airport pick-ups, or be on info desk duty.

The tasks will be assigned for individuals, with their previous experience and wishes taken into consideration. The Air Guitar family will no doubt welcome you as a part of the community, and while having fun, you’ll get some valuable experience on working within a large international production. More info about volunteering, and the sign-up form can be found HERE.