

Air Guitar World Championships

23.–25.8.2023 Oulu, Finland

Finnish Nationals advocating for mental health

The organization behind the Finnish National Air Guitar final Työväen Musiikkitapahtuma ry is collaborating with MIELI Mental Health Finland, to raise funds for the benefit of children’s and juvenile mental health services. The collected funds will be aimed towards the “Sekasin-chat,” a national mental health chat service for 12-29 year-olds. The chat is run by organization workers, and specifically trained volunteers who are ready to discuss any matters kids or young people might have on their minds.

The fundraiser is now open for donations online, and during the Työväen Musiikkitapahtuma -festival in Valkeakoski 25.-28.7. You can donate by scanning the QR-code below, or by clicking here. Donation page is only in Finnish.